Collection Size 32,009 items

Books, movies, music and more!

Computer Sessions 2,215 past 12 months
Wireless Sessions 29,620 past 12 months

on 2,439 devices

Items Circulated 25,619

In the past 12 months

Weekly Circulation

Wireless Sessions

Public Computer Sessions

New Users

Circulation Statistics (past 12 months)

Books in Collection 29,558

Audiobooks + Books + Children's Books

Books Circulated 21,923

Past 12 months

Audiovisual Materials 2,545

Audiobooks + Movies

AV Materials Circulated 3,009

Past 12 months

Collection Distribution

Collection Statistics

Cumulative collection statistics from the last 12 months.
Type Count Added Removed Change
Audiobooks 1,011 29 39 -0.98%
Books 20,055 1,144 951 +0.97%
Children's Books 8,492 369 206 +1.96%
Magazines 473 202 249 -9.04%
Movies 1,534 116 99 +1.12%
Other 444 1 3 -0.45%